What Can You Do to Prevent Arthritis?


The older you become, the more at risk you will be for arthritis. This is a serious health condition that can affect your joints and cause pain. At the beginning it can be a minor inconvenience but as time goes on and without proper treatment, it can begin hindering your ability to live life the way you want. The pain can increase and your quality of life will decrease. So what can you do in order to prevent arthritis in your golden years?

Here are a few great tips that can help keep your joints healthy:

  • Add Seafood to Your Diet

    An easy method that can help prevent arthritis is to add fish to your diet. Many kinds of fish such as salmon and trout contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Not only can they provide many other benefits but they are also effective in reducing the inflammation that occurs in the body. To ensure you are eating healthy, you can rely on our in-home senior care and non-medical home care.

  • Exercise

    A great method that can help you prevent arthritis is to exercise on a regular basis. Exercise will do a number of things for your health. It will strengthen your muscles and joints, which can help protect them against wearing down over time, it will improve your range of motion and flexibility, and it will also help you maintain a healthier weight. Being overweight can increase the amount of stress your joints will experience.

  • Keep Your Joints Protected

    It is important to make sure that you can use proper techniques when doing certain things such as lifting objects or even sitting. When lifting, you will want to lift with your hips and knees rather than your back. It is also a good idea to invest in a chair that can provide proper support if you spend a lot of time sitting.

Those are just a few great tips to keep in mind when you are interested in preventing arthritis in your golden years. If you would like to find out more about this or if you are interested in our exceptional home care, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at KAHAK HOME SUPPORT AGENCY anytime.

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