Living with Arthritis: Taking Control of Your Life


In your younger days, arthritis may have not been a big deal and probably only causes a minor inconvenience. However, the problem with this condition is that it can get worse over time, especially if you are not taking steps to keep it under control. So here are a few tips that can help you keep your arthritis in check so you can continue living the lifestyle you love:

  • Exercise

    The best thing you can do when you have arthritis is to simply exercise and maintain a healthy weight. Exercising will help improve the strength of your muscles and joints, which can go a long way in reducing pain and preventing your arthritis from getting worse. Exercise will also help you maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can have a dramatic impact on the joints in your feet, hips, and knees. This will add to the pain you experience and make your arthritis worse, so make sure you are able to maintain a good weight. We can also help you exercise safely through our in-home senior care and non-medical home care in kahak home support agency.

  • Hot and Cold Treatments?

    When you are experiencing pain or stiffness in the joints, hot and cold treatments can help a lot. There are a number of ways to do this such as a hot or cold compress, warm baths and showers, and gel packs or ice. This can reduce swelling and inflammation while providing pain relief. Our home care in Kahak can help you with this.

  • Massages

    Regular massages can make a big difference with your arthritis. Massage will help increase your range of motion, reduce stiffness, and help provide pain relief.

  • Fatty Acids

    Another way to keep your arthritis under control is through your diet. Incorporating more omega-3 fatty acids can do a lot for your arthritis. These kinds of food will provide pain relief and reduce any joint stiffness you are experiencing. They will also offer a wide range of other benefits and can even help prevent dementia.

Those are just a few of the many things to keep in mind when you want to keep your arthritis in check. If you would like to find out more about this please get in touch with us at Kahak Home Support Agency for more information.

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